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Many people bugged me to put some screenshots of GLAME online. Well, you asked for it, so here we go...

Wave Editor GLAME allows to group tracks into several projects. The wave editor allows to modify tracks either as groups or individually, and to apply filters to tracks or selections.
Network Editor Filters can be composed into complex networks. Ports interfacing to the outside world make this network appear as a single filter again.

In the following we go through Glames main windows.

Project window This is Glames main window, the project tree-view.
Waveview window In the waveview window you can do usual wave editing tasks.
Filter applying dialog This is the filter applying dialog.
Filter editor window Within this powerful tool, you can construct new effects out of existing ones.
Project mixer dialog In this dialog you can mix up your project.

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Created: Jan, 21st, 2000 (dk)
Last changed: Apr, 12th, 2001 (dk)